Lincoln Glen has a long history of not only encouraging the love of baseball by playing, but also by providing an opportunity for our players and community to participate as an umpire. This program in the past has been limited to participants 12 and older. New for this year we are encouraging 10 and 11 year old's to join and develop their skills with the "Umpire in Training" division. This is a paid position. Participants will be paid according to division level and umpire position. With enough participation we will have youth umpires for all divisions Farm, A, AA, AAA and Majors.
All umpires are required to attend a formal training to teach the basic principles, rules and positioning relevant to each division. The primary training session will be held on February 2nd, 8:30-12:30 and hosted by Los Gatos Little League. There are a few other training sessions available if you cannot make this one, but they are geared more for adults. 12+ is mandatory. 10 and 11 is encouraged, but we will have additional training options for the Umpire in Training program.
For active players, umpiring can be a great way to enhance your understanding of the rules of baseball and how they are applied in game situations. It is also a fun way to stay involved in baseball if you’re no longer playing.
For all those who may be interested in umpiring for the 2025 Lincoln Glen Little League Season, please complete the following form.
In the coming weeks, we will put out more information regarding dates and locations for all upcoming trainings. LGLL is in need of more volunteers/paid umpires, please help us spread the word to anyone who might be interested. We are also actively looking for more adult volunteer umpires, let me know if you are interested in learning more.

Contact Information:
Steve Herlick - Youth Umpire Coordinator
More information:
Lincoln Glen Little League depends on adult volunteer and youth umpires to officiate baseball games. For active players, umpiring can be a great way to enhance your understanding of the rules of baseball and how they are applied in game situations. It is also a fun way to stay involved in baseball if you’re no longer playing.
Youth Umpires: 18 years old or younger who have completed the umpire training. Youth umpires will be compensated for their time. Youth umpires may umpire A, AA, AAA, and Major Division baseball games depending on their age and experience.
Umpire in Training: New for this year! We are expanding our umpire program to include league 10 & 11 year old's. This would be for Umpiring Farm and Single A games. More information to come on this program.