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Volunteer FAQs

1. Why must we have all volunteers complete a volunteer application and have a background check?

These requirements were implemented in 2002 by Little League in order to:

  • protect our children and maintain Little League as a non-hostile environment for those who would seek to do them harm.
  • protect individuals and leagues from possible loss of personal or league assets because of litigation.
  • take advantage of current technology and laws that have made background check information accessible to leagues via the internet.

2. If I volunteered last year, do I have to complete another volunteer application this year?

Yes, Little League International requires that all local Little Leagues conduct background checks annually for all volunteers.

3. If I had a background check from another league or through work, do I have to complete another background check?

Yes, each league must conduct its own background check on the appropriate individuals annually.

4. Who is considered a volunteer?

All managers, coaches, board of directors members, team parents, and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams. This includes all parents who work in the snack shack.

5. Does this also apply to those individuals that assist the manager and coaches at practices or games?

Yes. Any individual who provides regular service to the league or/and who has repetitive access to or contact with players or teams must fill out the Volunteer Application, provide a copy of a government issued photo ID, and go through the background check process.

6. Why does the League need a Volunteer Application and copy of my driver’s license?

To begin conducting background checks, the league needs in its possession a fully completed Little League Volunteer Application along with a copy of a government-issued photo ID, usually a driver's license, in order for the league to verify that the information on his/her volunteer application is correct, i.e. spelling of name, address, date of birth, etc. The volunteer applications are completed by the volunteer when registering through our SportsConnect database on our website. Driver's Licenses are uploaded at this time. This allows our volunteers to complete their own volunteer application, including providing a Social Security number.

7. Why do I have to provide my social security number?

Effective in 2007, the local league must conduct a nationwide search that contains the applicable government sex offender registry data. Little League International has contracted with JDP Employment Screening & Background Check Services (JDP) to provide local leagues and districts with a special Internet site that allows members to search a criminal records database of more than 270 million criminal records - instantly. This site provides searches of available criminal records from various repository sources and state-level sex offender registries. JDP and the official "Little League Volunteer Application" requires a social security number in order to run a background check.

8. What type of background check is required by Little league?

The local league must annually conduct a nationwide search that contains the applicable government sex offender registry data. Information on running a more thorough background check through First Advantage that contains not only crimes that appear on a sex offender registry, but other crimes of a sexual and nonsexual and requires a social security number be used by the local league.

9. What type of offenses are we screening for when we conduct a background check?

Local leagues are conducting a search of the nationwide sex offender registry for anyone who has committed sexual offenses involving minors. An individual who has been convicted or plead guilty to charges involving or against a minor, no matter when the offense occurred, must not be permitted to work or volunteer.

10. What if there are convictions or other offenses NOT involving or against minors?

Even though convictions or other offenses may not be against a minor, the local league board of directors still may deem these individuals as inappropriate and/or unfit and may prohibit him/her from working as a hired worker or volunteer within the league.

11. If I have a DUI conviction, will I be precluded from volunteering?

No. Even if you have a DUI conviction on your records, you will be permitted to volunteer in our league.

12. Who is to be made aware of the information found on the background check?

The local league president, legal representative or registrar shall only share personal information contained in the volunteer application, background check or other information obtained through the screening process with other members of the board of directors in order to make personnel decisions. If the information obtained through the background check is public record and causes an individual to not be appointed or to be terminated, Little League recommends this information be shared with the parents/guardians of the children who have had contact with the individual previously. 

13.After the background check is completed, where are these records maintained?

All information is stored securely on the SportsConnect & JDP Portals, eliminating the need for Lincoln Glen LL to store your sensitive personal information.

14. What is the timetable for completing the screening of each individual?

The league must complete the annual screening process prior to the individual assuming his/her duties for the current season. This would include the individual submitting a completed volunteer application and the league completing an appropriate background check. The applicant must also submit a government issued photo ID, usually a driver’s license, in order for the league to verify that the information on his/her volunteer application is correct, i.e., spelling of name, address, date of birth, etc.

15. When should local leagues begin to conduct background checks on volunteers and hired workers?

In accordance with Little League Regulation I(c) (8 & 9), local leagues must conduct background checks on all volunteers and hired workers prior to the applicant assuming his or her duties for the season. Background checks must be completed on all individuals who are required to complete the official “Little League Volunteer Application” and who provide a regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players and teams. This includes, but is not limited to, managers, coaches, Board of Director members and other persons or hired workers.

16. I received a letter or email from JDP indicating criminal records have been found under my name, what does that mean?

If you have a common name, it is more than likely that a criminal record will be found when your name is run though the various criminal databases. A letter, which includes a copy of the completed background screening report & Summary of Rights, will be sent to every volunteer where a criminal record from the public records database is reported to your local Little League. When a criminal record has been found, we review all records and use your driver’s license to make sure that you are not the person being reported with the criminal record. You do not need to worry about this letter. If there is a problem with your background check, one of our league representatives will contact you personally.

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Lincoln Glen Little League

Lincoln Glen Little League, P.O. Box 8667
San Jose, California 95155

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